Now it's May

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The calendar is blank for May. I've been posting over on livejournal instead of the blog. I've been in Arizona staying at my parents' house since April 26th. My father died last Monday, the first of May, the day on which my son turned 21.

On Friday, April 21st, my father was diagnosed with cancer, and it was all through him. From diagnosis to death was a mere ten days. It was a shock to us all, and hard to keep up with events as they unfolded.

Now most of the arrangements have been made and my brother, mother, and I are just waiting. The memorial service will be tomorrow morning. On Wednesday I'll fly to Albuquerque for a work-related meeting, then from there I'll go back home to Virginia.


Oh My God, you have my total sympathies. We had a bit longer (Christmas to mid-July) but it's never enough.

I replied to a comment you made on Making Light so you don't really 'know' me from Eve. but I wish I could come and give you a big supportive hug. I know you need it right now.

I'm in Kansas City, MO.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

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