Cool :)

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Yesterday Mike and I had a LOTR marathon. We bought a new TV a week ago--well, let's be honest here: I bought a new TV so Mike could take the existing TV with him when he goes back down to Charlottesville in the fall. Mike set it up, though, which was an all-day task, this being one of those "home theater" things. Picture wires snaking all across the floor in the family room; I've gotta find a better way. I might actually call an electrician and ask if we can't run some of these speaker wires through the ceiling or something.

I had borrowed a set of LOTR DVDs from one of the guys I work with, and we watched all three of them yesterday. The last movie ended just after 2am. Newly inspired, I took a LOTR personality quiz--one of many on the web:

You are most like Legolas, Son of Thranduil

Legolas knows his way around in the world, with a keen understanding of nature. He is often oblivious to the pain and fatigue of his activities.
Though reserved, you excel in aesthetic endeavors. If a mountain is there, you will climb it. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

Traits: Open minded, easy going, persuassive, optimistic about the future. On the dark side you could be exploitative and an opportunist.

Doesn't seem quite like you? Take it again!

Test based upon the Myers-Briggs/Keirsey Personality Tests

Note: The results of this test are based upon the
books' characters, not the movie.

I really like this result, but I thought the quiz was hobbits-only so I wasn't expecting it and I certainly wasn't trying for it.

UPDATE: LOL!! Oops, I went back to the website to get the link and, just glancing at the quiz again, realized I'd scored it incorrectly. Instead of ranking answers from 4 (most like me) to 1 (least like me), I did it the other way around! So, reversing all my answers, I got this:

You are most like Frodo Baggins, Son of Drogo

With many acquaitenances, Frodo is deeply attached to a few people, like Bilbo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Sam. His high ethics come out in his treatment of Gollum and Saruman. Frodo has pity on Gollum and believes that change can occur.
You have a strong personal morality. You are committed to relationships and their growth. You tend to be an idealist, believing the best of the world around you. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.

Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic.

Doesn't seem quite like you? Take it again!

Test based upon the Myers-Briggs/Keirsey Personality Tests

Note: The results of this test are based upon the
books' characters, not the movie.

Not a bad result, either, though. :) Oh and by the way the link is here.


Hey, the test has exclusionary answers! With blocks of 4 traits, you must answer each with a different number...yet imo the traits are NOT exclusive! ::grumble:: If I can decide on the answers maybe I'll put this up in my LJ. :)

Frodo, eh? You got a gooood one. Though how you were able to sit straight through all three extended-versions of the movies is beyond even my fannish tendencies. My butt would get sore in even the most comfortable of chairs, which I know you have!

I took breaks between movies. I went to the grocery store between I and II, then made supper between II and III. Still, it was a loooooong time to spend sitting in the recliner staring at the screen.

When I bought and played III, I managed to space out that it was "extended" and kept thinking "Gee, I don't remember this being exactly that way; guess I wasn't really paying attention in the theatre." It was only when, at the end of the evening, I realized Just How LOOOONG I'd been in front of the tube did "extended version" sink into this sieve-for-brain.

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