On days like today I discover once again how much like everyone else I am. The thoughts that occur to me when I wake up and see that it's going to be a beautiful day are the same thoughts that occur to everyone who wakes up and sees the same blue sky. The decisions I make are being made by thousands of people in Northern Virginia, perhaps at the very same moment. On this, the first nice weekend of spring, all over the greater metropolitan area people woke up and thought: I'm going to get the car washed today. Since the interior of my car was covered with dog hair I vacuumed it first, then went to the car wash, which was doing business on a grand scale. As I moved from task to task yesterday and today, buying and planting herbs, cleaning off the porch and bracing the sagging door, I found myself in crowds at Village Hardware, Home Depot, and Lowes. Long, long lines everywhere. Carts full of plants everywhere I went. Everyone in a pretty good mood, pretty patient, just enjoying the good weather that has finally, finally, arrived.
The wasps are desperate to get onto the porch. I can't imagine why. They search and search for an entry, finally finding a crevice between post and screen door through which they can squeeze their tiny bodies, only to fly around the porch until they die, and I sweep their lifeless carcasses back out through the screen door and under the azaleas.
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