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Collision Course

So the old dame has a big bump on her forehead, and this is my fault somehow. Yeah, we bumped heads, but I was just playing-- can I help it if humans have soft heads? I mean, I didn't really notice it happening. Sure, I heard a loud crack when our heads collided, but I just kept on playing. The old dame leaned on the fence for a minute and then went in the house. I waited a couple of minutes for her to come back out, and when she didn't, I went in to look for her. I got to the kitchen just in time to see her put--get this--get this--to see her put a bag of frozen corn on her forehead. Woah! I must have really knocked her silly. Humans.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 26, 2006 7:09 PM.

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