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Strange Human Behavior

Saint here, just taking a break from my excavations in the back yard. The old dame says if I dig deep enough I'll find "china". I don't know what "china" is, but if it's good to eat I want some. Haven't found any yet--I'll keep you posted.

I'm starting to feel sorry for the old dame. I think she must live in constant fear of being devoured by a predator. I say this because of the great lengths she goes to to disguise her smell--I recognize this as defensive behavior.

I mean, every day it's a whole routine. First she washes all the smell off her body, then she puts on different smells. She covers her skin with "clothes" and as soon as they start to smell like her she changes them. I want to tell her to relax; there are no predators in the house--I've checked the place out thoroughly. On the other hand, I don't know anything about the place she calls "work", and she spends a lot of time there. It may be that she's in serious danger of being devoured at "work"; it would explain a lot of things.

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