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Oh, That Darby...

In this post I listed thirteen different (English) translations of verses 18 and 19 from the creation story in the second chapter of Genesis. Two of these translations were not literal, having been modified to remove a contradiction with the creation story in the first chapter of Genesis. One of those two modified versions was a recent translation, and the other was a translation by Darby, done in 1890. I couldn't find any information on this translation, but here is an interesting bit of information on Darby:

Oddly, the PMD prophecy heretics often have a hard time explaining exactly why it is that they believe the Antichrist will be "a man of peace." They love to quote (and twist) the Bible, but if you press them on this point, they're far more likely to quote instead from the received wisdom of some other "prophecy scholar." LaHaye is just saying it because Hal Lindsay said it. And Lindsay was just repeating Scofield and Ironsides. And those guys were just repeating Darby, who concocted the whole convoluted scheme and is notoriously hard to follow.

(Hat tip to the Slacktivist; link on the right.)


The fearmongers and rumor-passers often use each other as "sources", failing to quote the earlier source's source. My ex found a plethora of this kind of self-referential [can I say it?] circlejerk when researching the Satanic Panic of the late 80s. His training as a historian, and a firm determination to use original documents, showed just how flimsy the "evidence" really was.

That was a strange phenomenon, all right. All blown out of the water finally, after people had been jailed and lives ruined. I'm curious--why did Mike research it?

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