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Under the Weather

If a sailor's station is at the weather bow, he may become tired of the pitching of the boat and the constant spray blown into his face. He will most certainly be under the weather. Sailing Terms Explained For 'Lubbers

The wind is starting to blow here, and it's raining. Nothing very bad, but it's only about 1pm. Hurricane Isabel is still down off Cape Hatteras, a couple hundred miles south of here, so I'm seeing just the leading edge of an outer band. The strongest wind and the heaviest rain aren't expected here until around midnight.

A few minutes ago I got this IM from one of my coworkers: "cape hatteras ob has gone missing. maybe the ASOS blew apart."

3:10pm. I'm about to set out on the craziest trip I've ever taken. I just got an IM from my son, a student at UVA, and all of his friends have deserted the campus, and classes are cancelled for the next two days, and he's bored, and I said "Want me to come and get you?" and he said "Would you?" so I'm outta here...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2003 12:57 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Waaaahooooo!!!.

The next post in this blog is Let There Be Light.

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