Well I don?t quite know what to make of things around here this evening. The old dame is in the dumps, I can tell that much. I?m giving her a break. The kid isn?t here, and somehow I think there?s a connection, but I?m not sure what it is. There are plenty of times when he isn?t here, like when he?s hanging out with Matt or Joe, but this is different somehow. The old dame doesn?t say the kid ?isn?t here??she says he?s ?gone?, and ?gone? is a whole lot bigger and sadder than ?isn?t here?, apparently.
The kid was here for a long time, and we had some fun, I can tell you that. The old dame had fun with the kid too. They did a lot of stuff together?buying stuff, eating, ?bowling?, whatever that is. The old dame even enjoys working in the yard when the kid?s helping her, like bagging leaves, restacking firewood, etc. etc. I wouldn?t file ?bagging leaves? under ?wild times? if it were up to me, but who can explain humans.
Well, the old dame?s mood has gotten to me. Not that I?m a sentimentalist, mind you, but I think I?ll go lie in my crate for a while. It?s in the kid?s room. Maybe if I wait there for him he?ll come back.